Since the money began to circulate there’s always been people wanting to make more of it without giving importance to the ways they need to get it. Some people have become millionaire in dirty business like drug dealing or stealing it but some of them just want to have more to feel powerful and important and those are who only believe in the power of money and not in what they should really believe which is God.
The necessity of having money is not only from ambitious people, since it’s creation it has become to a problem to millions around the world because it’s the only way to trade and not everybody has de resources or the opportunity to make it, so they resign to starve and suffer.
But the only way to exchange things is by money because it can be controlled in other to have an agreement.
Money it’s a blessing for others because it can make them happy by buying things, going out, travelling or just keeping it on their wallets to raise their self-esteem.
To have a lot of money its also a goal for many of us because we want to proof the world how far we have gone and how hard we’ve worked for it, also to satisfy our necessities and desires, so its not always bad to have it and want to have more.
Other negative point is that for economic problems some countries have began wars or they’ve had troubles with debts like its happening nowadays with the global crisis that has affected to millions who used to have comfortable lives and now are living in the streets because their houses have been distrained and their jobs have disappeared.
how is god like money?¿
i've already said that God can not be compared to something tangible, God is not something that you buy with's something that you feel all around you, something that makes you believe that everything that you want is achievable and it's with you no matter your actions, he also forgives you when you have made mistakes, of course only if you feel repentance.
But sometimes the power of money its unlimited, because we can make others act in a way we want.
what would you need to do show people how God and money are not the same?¿
just ask them if when they've felt that no one cares of them, they feel that something is there giving support and love, not to surrender.
With money you can be "happy" buying want you want or doing what you've ever wanted...but your happiness will won't be eternal if you dont have God in your heart
To conclude, money it’s the only resource to exchange and we cant live without it because the economy models are based on it, and if we try to leave it, it would be impossible to live in a controlled way, maybe in the future we would find a way to trade and leave poverty in the past as a bad memory, or as a starting point to change our lifestyles.
La diversión ahora es en ATTICA
Hace 16 años
6 comentarios:
I agree in all your ideas because we do need money for to do things, but as you said there are lot of people who became millionaire in dirty business and sometimes honest people can't eat because they want to get money in the correct way, i think that is unfair.Is true that when we get lot of money we feel woth power or we feel satisfy because we can pay all our necessities and desires.
I think you are right, money is our only resource e just have to learn to not be so selfish.
i support your ideas about money. we need that piece of paper to survive but that piece f paper isn't all in the world. we can find more things to be happy. people like that piece of paper because they eel powerful and they don't understand that is just a piece of paper.
I agree with you, because the money is a powerful tool, that people often use it a a negative way, for example the drug-traffickers or people that use their money to get what they want, and that is not correct!!
Money can be positive and negative, it depends of its use!!
I´m agree with you, money is important to live but it isn´t all... We can find more things to be happy...
Naive broken english flowing onto complex formed sentences made me feel like I was hearing more than one voice and hence lost my trust.
Why is it so important for people doing this essay to expose the bad things of money? The problem is not the money, but the people.
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