for hundreds of years the people who ruled our world (kings/pharaohs/presidents/etc) have thought that we are their puppets and that we have to do whatever they order for the "good" of the country and if we dont want to, we'll suffer like it has happened through the history.
and that is shown in the movie, a country (england) oppressed by one "leader" who wanted to control everything, like Hitler used to do in Germany, there is when V appears to change that, by begging a protest in order to everybody knows the truth and stop being puppets.
in a country, or like i would say a land of repression, where you cant say a word against the government that also distort the reality shown in the media... how can you fight?¿
the only way its V's way, doing it frontwards and public, because you can reach the peoples conscience immediately and make the government to fell fear.
but this reality not only happen in movies, i think that the movie is based in some countries reality even Ecuador where the freedom of opinion have become a danger because if you talk something bad of the president, you can be sent to jail or to bear his accusations and humiliations, also the way our government want to manage the media (showing only what they want, i mean what benefit their campaigns)unfortunately when dont have a V to help us, but it's not the first time it happens, during the world war 2, Hitler's partner Joseph Gobbles or something like that, managed all the media in order to keep the germans uninformed, so when they were losing the war in the media was shown the opposite to keep manipulating society.
the movie also showed how people disappear when they were against the government and it really happens in real live for example, Restrepo brothers in Febres-Cordero's government, they fought against him and no one saw them alive again, this is the easiest way to make problems disappear and it has happened around the world for thousands of years.
basically the movie talks about a extreme communism and how it affect peoples life's and feelings and how they are forced to live in order to keep satisfied their rulers and the necessity of someone to make a change, someone who really suffer the cruelty of a reign with absolute power and alone in a fight with no guarantee of victory only the satisfaction of trying it.
i have heard that some movies are made in order no make us realize the truth of our world and how important is to fight for want we want and what we deserve as humans not what others want and i think this is one of those movies.
i dont know how other people thinks about our government, if they are right and i am wrong, but i know one thing, which doesnt make me happy, i'll have to bear this government for a long time and follow their laws until people get crazy and do what they've done very well in the past years, to overthrow the president, and i hope that happens soon.
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