lunes, 13 de abril de 2009

the Corporation....

since the beginning of the industrial revolution (i don't know the exact date) our society has been trying to improve the way we live...the only changes that they've made is to do everything with computers but the process is the same, some of this changes have caused the layoffs off thousands of workers who expend most of their lives locked in a factory with low salaries.
in the last decades the companies around the world have becomes more powerfull than some politicians and that's one of the topics in the documentary that showed me how dependent we are of these companies (food/clothes/technology/etc), for example if i woke up and i want to make mi own breakfast i just have to go to the kitchen and open mi refrigerator because i'm used to it, but if i had to take the milk out of the cow and pick oranges from a tree...i would die of starve because the companies have made our lifestyles so easy.
but the necessity of corporations to earn more and more money is destroying our planet..(some people say that the greatest achievement of mankind has been changing the climate of our world). in the movie they showed how harmful and disinterested are these corporation by sending millions of tons of waste to our oceans, lands, and even in the space, this makes me think about how dificult it will be to my children (if i had one) or grandchildren to live in this planet for the poverty that grows more everytime, for the lack of resources and for the climate that its worse every year, but the only way to make a better future to them is changing our lifestyle and there's where the problem begins, some people preffers to live better today and that the rest pay the consecuences of our acts and we cant change the way they think from one day to another, maybe we'll never be able to change them.
other interesting point is that even the people that "have the power" to change our world can't do it, as shown in the movie, the CEO of Shell, didnt have the power to change their way to work (destroying the planet) and he felt sad about that even he had realized the consecuences to come.
the corporations that are called "rotten apples" have done terrible acts for example paying a few cents to poor people who really need that job and have no other options, even though theses corporations have incomes of billions.
but in the middle of all of these problems there's people who really want to help sometimes if a pacific way but i noticed that only in the hard way is how they've achieved their goals like the problem of privatized water in Bolivia where the goverment passed the limits of cruelty to keep receiving money from foreing companies.
to conclude, if we continue living "normally" our planet will be destroyed in a few years, and those companies that didnt care the planet at all will be closed down and with these we'll have even more problems because of the lack of jobs, poverty, starve and that kind of stuff, our society will fall and we'll have to begin again, maybe i wont be alive when that day comes but my children do and personally i dont want that future to anybody...

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