jueves, 2 de abril de 2009

The Duchess

This movie show us how difficult it was to be accepted in society, and stand some arrangements that could destroy your life just to keep the people satisfied.
There are some characters to analyze starting with Georgianna, a young lady who had a lot of knowledge about politics, culture and wasn't afraid to say she thought. she was forced to get married with William Cavendish (the duke of Devonshire) who had an old way of thinking, he also had affairs in front of Georgianna, but she had to endure other things like being punished for not giving birth a boy (she had 3 girls), also the duke didn't care what happened to G. because he was busy playing with his dogs and doing parties, also she had to endure everything that the people (friends, people and famlily) said about her marriage.
The duke also made Georgianna to raise a child that he had fathered with a maid, so she would be able to practice as a mother until she could gave birth to their own son.
Georgianna's charisma and conviction was useful for some politics like Mr. Fox and Charles Grey (former Prime Minister) who were helped by her, some people say that she changed kisses for votes.
Like William was one of the most powerful man in London, he thought he was able to do everything he wanted, but Georgianna didnt allowed him until one day the duke had an affair with Bess, a friend of G., and he ordered that she could stay in their house as another wife.
One day Georgianna decided to have and affair with Mr. Charles Grey (a guy she met in the past), she was in love with him and she wanted to live with him and everything else, but William found out their relationship and he menace Georgianna with keeping her children, so she was forced again to live with him, resigned again and unhappy as always until the day of her death.
Affortunately for the women and society, is that times have changed and now they are able to make their own choices and decide their future, except in some countries where the religion is different. The way of treating the people also has change, now everybody has rights and no one is treated as a slave and discriminated. Georgianna is someone to admire because she is one of the forerunner of women to have their rights. Something that doesnt change is the wrong way some men treat their wifes.

3 comentarios:

smaa dijo...

I agree with you when you said how difficult was life at that time. People cant choose for their happiness, especially women. nowadays we have freedom, we can choose all in our life and we can decide how to live..

Roberto dijo...

Your first lines said a lot bro. We saw with this movie how keeping an status could bring you terrible problems. Your freedom is limited to the fact of being acepted and that will destroy you as a woman or a man. To be free we must give appearances away. You should check a line where says " a young lady who had a lot of knowledge about politics, culture and wasn't afraid to say she thought" I think it's " she wasn't afraid to say what she though". But in spite of this it's a really good analysis. I like it. Go DONA..yeah you know!

SNIX41 dijo...

More than one voice in this text and not a speech mark to prove it. Limitations of vocabulary do not mean limitations of emotion and opinion.