lunes, 13 de abril de 2009

V for vendetta...

for hundreds of years the people who ruled our world (kings/pharaohs/presidents/etc) have thought that we are their puppets and that we have to do whatever they order for the "good" of the country and if we dont want to, we'll suffer like it has happened through the history.
and that is shown in the movie, a country (england) oppressed by one "leader" who wanted to control everything, like Hitler used to do in Germany, there is when V appears to change that, by begging a protest in order to everybody knows the truth and stop being puppets.
in a country, or like i would say a land of repression, where you cant say a word against the government that also distort the reality shown in the media... how can you fight?¿
the only way its V's way, doing it frontwards and public, because you can reach the peoples conscience immediately and make the government to fell fear.
but this reality not only happen in movies, i think that the movie is based in some countries reality even Ecuador where the freedom of opinion have become a danger because if you talk something bad of the president, you can be sent to jail or to bear his accusations and humiliations, also the way our government want to manage the media (showing only what they want, i mean what benefit their campaigns)unfortunately when dont have a V to help us, but it's not the first time it happens, during the world war 2, Hitler's partner Joseph Gobbles or something like that, managed all the media in order to keep the germans uninformed, so when they were losing the war in the media was shown the opposite to keep manipulating society.
the movie also showed how people disappear when they were against the government and it really happens in real live for example, Restrepo brothers in Febres-Cordero's government, they fought against him and no one saw them alive again, this is the easiest way to make problems disappear and it has happened around the world for thousands of years.
basically the movie talks about a extreme communism and how it affect peoples life's and feelings and how they are forced to live in order to keep satisfied their rulers and the necessity of someone to make a change, someone who really suffer the cruelty of a reign with absolute power and alone in a fight with no guarantee of victory only the satisfaction of trying it.
i have heard that some movies are made in order no make us realize the truth of our world and how important is to fight for want we want and what we deserve as humans not what others want and i think this is one of those movies.
i dont know how other people thinks about our government, if they are right and i am wrong, but i know one thing, which doesnt make me happy, i'll have to bear this government for a long time and follow their laws until people get crazy and do what they've done very well in the past years, to overthrow the president, and i hope that happens soon.

the Corporation....

since the beginning of the industrial revolution (i don't know the exact date) our society has been trying to improve the way we live...the only changes that they've made is to do everything with computers but the process is the same, some of this changes have caused the layoffs off thousands of workers who expend most of their lives locked in a factory with low salaries.
in the last decades the companies around the world have becomes more powerfull than some politicians and that's one of the topics in the documentary that showed me how dependent we are of these companies (food/clothes/technology/etc), for example if i woke up and i want to make mi own breakfast i just have to go to the kitchen and open mi refrigerator because i'm used to it, but if i had to take the milk out of the cow and pick oranges from a tree...i would die of starve because the companies have made our lifestyles so easy.
but the necessity of corporations to earn more and more money is destroying our planet..(some people say that the greatest achievement of mankind has been changing the climate of our world). in the movie they showed how harmful and disinterested are these corporation by sending millions of tons of waste to our oceans, lands, and even in the space, this makes me think about how dificult it will be to my children (if i had one) or grandchildren to live in this planet for the poverty that grows more everytime, for the lack of resources and for the climate that its worse every year, but the only way to make a better future to them is changing our lifestyle and there's where the problem begins, some people preffers to live better today and that the rest pay the consecuences of our acts and we cant change the way they think from one day to another, maybe we'll never be able to change them.
other interesting point is that even the people that "have the power" to change our world can't do it, as shown in the movie, the CEO of Shell, didnt have the power to change their way to work (destroying the planet) and he felt sad about that even he had realized the consecuences to come.
the corporations that are called "rotten apples" have done terrible acts for example paying a few cents to poor people who really need that job and have no other options, even though theses corporations have incomes of billions.
but in the middle of all of these problems there's people who really want to help sometimes if a pacific way but i noticed that only in the hard way is how they've achieved their goals like the problem of privatized water in Bolivia where the goverment passed the limits of cruelty to keep receiving money from foreing companies.
to conclude, if we continue living "normally" our planet will be destroyed in a few years, and those companies that didnt care the planet at all will be closed down and with these we'll have even more problems because of the lack of jobs, poverty, starve and that kind of stuff, our society will fall and we'll have to begin again, maybe i wont be alive when that day comes but my children do and personally i dont want that future to anybody...

martes, 7 de abril de 2009


The movie talk about a German lieutenant who realized the suffering that his political party was doing to the Jewish people, so he decided to change that by warning the world, including the Pope who he thought would be able to do something about it but he was wrong and the Pope was fearful and also he agree with some of Hitler’s ideas, but fortunately a young Jesuit help the lieutenant to communicate the horror of Jewish families to the Pope in order to stop this massacre.

1) What’s the difference between being Jewish and Judaism?¿

Generally, the use of the word Jew is used to refer to three groups: those with ethnic Jews, those who practice Judaism and those who are identified as such by their cultural and historical identity

The term refers to the Jewish religion or belief, tradition and culture of the Jewish people. It is the oldest of the three monotheistic religions more widely (along with Christianity and Islam, also known as "religions of the book" or "Abrahamic," and less of them in number of followers. Disaggregated Judaism historically the other two

So Jew is the person who practices the Judaism.

2) What was the Pope’s position during World War 2?¿

During World War II, he made many efforts for peace, but also has been accused of being criticized very much agree with the German policy.

In the movie you can see that the Pope supported Hitler for the way he governed Germany and that’s why he was against de lieutenant idea of the gas chambers

3) What are the differences between among Christian and Catholic perspectives regarding Nazi Germany?

Catholicism is in fact Christianity of the early years ... when Christianity spread to more countries you call Catholicism (Catholic means universal), the new Christianity or siblings who are separated not agree on some of the Vatican.
The Germans believed that Jewish people were like the evils of society and that wrong idea is what generate the war.

I think that World War 2 is one of the biggest mistakes of the humans, because just for the way that Hitler thought and his followers millions died most of them innocent people whose only “problem” was to follow their religion. This war has left a scar in our history and in the lives of those who had to live it.

domingo, 5 de abril de 2009

money money money!!

Since the money began to circulate there’s always been people wanting to make more of it without giving importance to the ways they need to get it. Some people have become millionaire in dirty business like drug dealing or stealing it but some of them just want to have more to feel powerful and important and those are who only believe in the power of money and not in what they should really believe which is God.
The necessity of having money is not only from ambitious people, since it’s creation it has become to a problem to millions around the world because it’s the only way to trade and not everybody has de resources or the opportunity to make it, so they resign to starve and suffer.
But the only way to exchange things is by money because it can be controlled in other to have an agreement.
Money it’s a blessing for others because it can make them happy by buying things, going out, travelling or just keeping it on their wallets to raise their self-esteem.
To have a lot of money its also a goal for many of us because we want to proof the world how far we have gone and how hard we’ve worked for it, also to satisfy our necessities and desires, so its not always bad to have it and want to have more.
Other negative point is that for economic problems some countries have began wars or they’ve had troubles with debts like its happening nowadays with the global crisis that has affected to millions who used to have comfortable lives and now are living in the streets because their houses have been distrained and their jobs have disappeared.
how is god like money?¿
i've already said that God can not be compared to something tangible, God is not something that you buy with's something that you feel all around you, something that makes you believe that everything that you want is achievable and it's with you no matter your actions, he also forgives you when you have made mistakes, of course only if you feel repentance.
But sometimes the power of money its unlimited, because we can make others act in a way we want.

what would you need to do show people how God and money are not the same?¿
just ask them if when they've felt that no one cares of them, they feel that something is there giving support and love, not to surrender.
With money you can be "happy" buying want you want or doing what you've ever wanted...but your happiness will won't be eternal if you dont have God in your heart

To conclude, money it’s the only resource to exchange and we cant live without it because the economy models are based on it, and if we try to leave it, it would be impossible to live in a controlled way, maybe in the future we would find a way to trade and leave poverty in the past as a bad memory, or as a starting point to change our lifestyles.

jueves, 2 de abril de 2009

The Duchess

This movie show us how difficult it was to be accepted in society, and stand some arrangements that could destroy your life just to keep the people satisfied.
There are some characters to analyze starting with Georgianna, a young lady who had a lot of knowledge about politics, culture and wasn't afraid to say she thought. she was forced to get married with William Cavendish (the duke of Devonshire) who had an old way of thinking, he also had affairs in front of Georgianna, but she had to endure other things like being punished for not giving birth a boy (she had 3 girls), also the duke didn't care what happened to G. because he was busy playing with his dogs and doing parties, also she had to endure everything that the people (friends, people and famlily) said about her marriage.
The duke also made Georgianna to raise a child that he had fathered with a maid, so she would be able to practice as a mother until she could gave birth to their own son.
Georgianna's charisma and conviction was useful for some politics like Mr. Fox and Charles Grey (former Prime Minister) who were helped by her, some people say that she changed kisses for votes.
Like William was one of the most powerful man in London, he thought he was able to do everything he wanted, but Georgianna didnt allowed him until one day the duke had an affair with Bess, a friend of G., and he ordered that she could stay in their house as another wife.
One day Georgianna decided to have and affair with Mr. Charles Grey (a guy she met in the past), she was in love with him and she wanted to live with him and everything else, but William found out their relationship and he menace Georgianna with keeping her children, so she was forced again to live with him, resigned again and unhappy as always until the day of her death.
Affortunately for the women and society, is that times have changed and now they are able to make their own choices and decide their future, except in some countries where the religion is different. The way of treating the people also has change, now everybody has rights and no one is treated as a slave and discriminated. Georgianna is someone to admire because she is one of the forerunner of women to have their rights. Something that doesnt change is the wrong way some men treat their wifes.